Familiar Fruits and Vegetables That Can Hurt or Kill Dogs

  • beware fruits and veggies


photo: Steven Lilley on Flickr


Cherries sure are yummy for humans but do not make the best snack for dogs. Unfortunately, cherries can cause a pup to have diarrhea, so it’s best to stay away from this fruit and give them a doggy treat instead. One cherry may not hurt a dog but if he enjoys the first one and eats a bunch more when you turn away, that’s when disaster can strike.

If a dog consumes too many cherries not only will he likely experience an upset stomach and diarrhea, he may also experience some vomiting. The pits and stems are very difficult for a dog to digest, so they could cause some blockage. If you think your dog ate some cherries or if he’s having trouble going to the bathroom something else could be going on. If this is the case it’s best to take your furry pal to the local vet hospital where they can give you proper advice.


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photo: Vicky & Chuck Rogers on Flickr


Even though most dogs have tough stomachs, there are still a few mushroom species we should look out for. Similar to how humans respond to mushrooms, many of them won’t bother humans or a dog, but there are still some toxic mushrooms to be aware of. Mushrooms are also notoriously tough for amateurs to identify. There are plenty of mushroom species that mimic the look of other quite different varieties.

If your doggy were to digest the wrong mushroom it could lead to disastrous results. Dogs can experience tremors, seizures, and even organ failure.

Since mushrooms don’t have a lot of nutritional value for a dog you should just avoid giving them to your dog altogether. Also, don’t let them eat any while they’re out hiking or exploring outside with you. If a dog consumes mushrooms, especially an unknown, wild variety it’s vital to consult with a vet right away.


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