Haunting Unsolved Mysteries

Gator Bites

Jerry “Mike” Williams was a Tallahassee, Florida hunter who was dragged into a lake by an alligator when he was out hunting ducks one day. In this case, truth really may be stranger than fiction! The story goes that he was hanging out by a lake, duck hunting, when he got attacked by the alligator which allegedly led to his demise… Allegedly?

The odd thing is that no one could find his body, not even a small piece. Plus, the investigators believe that he didn’t get eaten by an alligator, at all. So what did happen to Williams? Well, he had an million-dollar life insurance policy for one thing. When he “died” his wife married the guy who sold him the policy. Hmm, isn’t that strange.

The sad thing is, no one investigated his death any further at the time, except for his mother. By the time she turned up some suspicious details and got others to investigate Williams’ death further, the evidence was already gone, just like Williams.

Either way, it seems Williams may have been killed by a cold-blooded reptile.

Our next case took place in the 1940s and shocked the nation…

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One Comment

  1. Uriah biser June 12, 2018 at 12:27 am

    Great read……wish it was longer. Good work

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