Exposed! Here Are Some of the Most Restricted Places on Earth

Ise Grand Shrine

via Malinche/Flickr

Ise Grand Shrine

If you’ve heard of the goddess Amaterasu-Omikami, then you’ll be intrigued to learn that there are over 100 shrines with sacred places that are dedicated to this goddess. These shrines have existed since 4 BC and legends say that the goddess chose this site in particular thousands of years ago. She preferred the peacefulness and seclusion to other areas. Today the shrine acts as a holding place for precious sacred objects. Many of them have historical importance, such as Yata no Kagami and the Sacred Mirror.

Surtsey eruption

via Wikipedia

Icelandic Volcano Surtsey

You may or may have heard of the four-year eruption when the Icelandic volcano Surtsey blew up from 1963 to 1967, which resulted in major ecological changes. Today only scientists are allowed to access this location as the island continues to undergo a natural ecological succession. Since the eruption ended, scientists have found that the island has been losing heigh over time. By 2100 it’s likely the island will be below sea level.
