Little-Known Weird Movie Facts

First Woman Film Director

In 1896 Alice Guy-Blache was the first woman to direct a movie. After her first film she produced and directed around six hundred films that varied in length from one minute to thirty minutes. She also directed and produced one hundred and fifty synchronized sound films – talk about a busy and accomplished lady! Her silent films are well-known due to the energy and risk-taking. She also loved using real locations, which gave the films a modern feel.

Over the years she went on to make more than 1,000 cinematic works and 22 were feature films. Alice Guy-Blache was an incredible director who paved the way for women in the film industry!

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Babes Everywhere!

Sometimes it takes an entire family of animals to get a move done, and that’s definitely the case for the film Babe. If you remember, Babe is an adorable family film about a pig named Babe who dreams of becoming a sheepdog and he becomes besties with a ton of cute animals along the way.

Although Babe the pig looks the same throughout the film, did you know that in all actuality there was a total of 48 pigs that took on his role? That’s a lot of pigs! We can understand that employing one or two pigs may have not gotten the job done, but 48?! Hey, whatever gets the film rolling and we’re glad all of these pigs stepped up to the plate because Babe is one cute film!
