Debunked! These Well-known ‘Facts’ Turned Out To Be Wrong

Ben Franklin’s Experiment With the Kite

Many of us have heard the story of Ben Franklin flying a kite that had a key tied to it during a storm. While Franklin was flying the kite it got struck by lightning and sometime during that situation he touched the key and got shocked. From that experiment, he decided that electricity existed.

However, as sources have explained, the kite experiment was simply an experiment Franklin did to find out whether lightning was electricity (which people already understood). He then told a friend about it in a letter and later when the letter was published in France, a French scientist named Thomas-Francois Dalibard did another experiment with a lightning rod and thus proved Franklin’s hypothesis to be truthful.

It turns out that Franklin may not have flown a kite during a lightning storm, but he did, in fact, touch a key and got shocked. It doesn’t seem possible that Ben touched the key after the kite supposedly got struck by lightning because otherwise he could have been seriously hurt. Despite the speculation, Franklin did prove that electricity and lightning coexist.

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The British Defeated the Spanish Armada

Yes, of course, the Spanish Armada was defeated in 1588, because without that fact there may have never been a British Empire. However, Britain didn’t defeat the Spanish Armada by being incredibly savvy and using a ton of cannon-fire. The reality is they were just lucky.

Out of the 129 ships in the Spanish Armada, the British only destroyed six of them. They could have destroyed more but the problem was they didn’t have enough gunpowder to take out an entire fleet. They were extremely lucky because even though they had 50 ships that were lost before the battle, the ships ended up showing up just in time. Those 50 ships may have made a huge difference by making things more challenging for the Spanish during the event at sea. By the end of the battle, the Spanish fleet wasn’t looking too great but that was due to a bunch of bad luck and the weather. If not for those elements Britain may not have won!

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