News to Share is the latest site creation by Curtis Webdesk Enterprises. Actively online since September 2009 with web pages, it is time to present what we think matters from the news.
What matters, of course, is highly subjective and we certainly don’t want to appear mainstream — too many websites are already in place for that.
So here, we’ll mix it up a bit from the conventional to the odd & weird, from the lighthearted and outrageous, to the unconventional, perhaps controversial.
You’ll also find news that uplifts, inspires, and brings smiles and tears of joy because not all news should be depressing or presenting conflict, shock, or always of a political bent.
At News to Share we want to present you with, well… news to share!
*Please note that many of the images we share belong in the Public Domain and many are from the Creative Commons, having various licencing rights. As noted in our Curation Policy, credit is given where credit is due. You will see us stating our sources in various ways with notes regarding various attributions, including but not limited to CC0, CC by 2.0, CC by 4.0, CC BY-SA, or Public Domain. Articles quoted will have a direct link to the source we used.
Should you question what a license allows and restricts, Creative Commons has a license page that explains it.
The 5 License Deeds News to Share most commonly uses are provided below.
CC0 1.0 Universal (CC0 1.0) Public Domain Dedication
Attribution 2.0 Generic (CC BY 2.0)