Haunting Unsolved Mysteries

Maura Murray

Maura Murray’s disappearance in 2004 is very strange, due to the fact that there are many reasons why she might have vanished, but none of them seem to may any sense. The day before she disappeared, she had a breakdown at work and told her co-workers it was because of worry over her sister. Then, later that night, she got into a minor traffic accident while driving her father’s car. Her dad told her to pick up forms for the insurance the next day, which she did. That happened to also be the day she vanished.

On the same day she picked up the insurance forms, she told people at work that she needed to take a week off due to a death in the family (despite the fact that no one had died). She also withdrew $300 in cash from an ATM, bought some alcohol, and then headed north, out of town. After she disappeared, the investigators searched her room and discovered that her belongings were gone and some art had been taken off the wall. They also discovered a note Murray had written about some of the issues she was having with her boyfriend.

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While Maura was driving north, she got into yet another car accident, this time crashing into a tree. Someone pulled over and offered to help, but she pleaded with the person not to call the police. The man didn’t listen to her and called them anyway, but by the time they arrived she was already gone.

Later, one person said they had seen her walking down the road but didn’t realize until later that it was her. Today, no one really knows what happened to her, why she was upset, and whether her getting into another car accident might have happened because she was emotionally distraught.

In 2009, officials moved the Murray investigation to their cold case files…

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One Comment

  1. Uriah biser June 12, 2018 at 12:27 am

    Great read……wish it was longer. Good work

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